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Things on my mind

The good thing about having a blog is that when I feel the need to rant, I just type away and pretend that Cookie of the Fortnight isn’t happening this week.

It is happening, just not right now as I’m in Taiwan and so far I’ve only met one family with an oven in their kitchen – a toaster oven. So CotF is on hold until next week when I’m in Vancouver…and I promise it’ll be good.

Back to my rant. Topic of the day is about saying what you really mean. If you think something’s extraordinary, you say, “that’s extraordinary”. If you think something else is good, but not as extraordinary as what you’ve seen, you say, “that’s nice/good” or something general like “good for you”. If you think something’s shit, you change the subject and don’t talk about it. I absolutely cannot respect people who always use the same line and tell everyone they know that everything they’ve seen is “amazing” and “perfect”. The reality is, I would sound like an idiot if I told an amateur photographer their photos are mind blowing, and then I turned around and told Annie Leibovitz the same thing. With both people in the room. I’d obviously disappoint the amateur photographer because he/she would know that I didn’t mean what I just said, and I just insulted Annie Leibovitz.

I understand the need to be nice to people and the desire to be accepted and loved by all. But that really doesn’t mean we need to exaggerate and say things like compliments carelessly – at the end of the day, we want our words to carry weight and truly impact people, non?

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