I had April 1 off as a holiday, and I was sitting here importing my photos to do the wallpaper and get some blogging done, when I accidentally deleted my whole iPhoto library. *Insert multiple GIFs of horrified faces*
Having your whole library destroyed and slowly rebuilt to a mediocre condition (i.e. still not entirely functional) is the sort of thing that lets the air out completely. Therefore, the task of getting the wallpaper done fell to the wayside and I only got around to it this weekend, after a busy week at work.
Since we’ve been back from Taiwan, I feel like my life has been a bit derailed, and I’ve been constantly playing catch-up to the long list of things I want to do/need to do. This is probably due to the fact that I started a new job so my schedule has had to adjust with that. I’m loving the new job, a bit daunted by all the responsibilities that come with it, but super-psyched to be in the big leagues with how much ownership and pride I have for my role within the company! However, later nights have so far pushed daily exercise off my radar, which is really unfortunate, and I’m hoping to get back into it again in April. The whole clocks-skipping-forward thing hasn’t aided me in getting up early to exercise, though!
Since the weather just doesn’t seem to be warming up, I’m also finding it quite difficult to start thinking about spring training for my upcoming runs. I’ve resigned to the fact that I’m a runner for half a year only (say no to winter running!) but seeing as how it snowed here in London on April 4th, I’m not sure when I’m supposed to dig out my pink running shorts! This year I’ve signed up to do a 10K with work in July, and a half marathon in early October in London! All registrations have been confirmed and paid for, so no backing out this time!
I’m also adding in more stress by focusing on the fact that this summer, we have to move. It feels like all the bombs will set off about the exact same time period – we’re going to Toronto, my mom’s coming here, I’m taking my mom to Paris (SO excited), but our lease expires around that time too. Perhaps I need to start packing now to alleviate stress! (Actually, wow, good idea, I probably will do this soon…)
All this to say, I actually did get very busy cooking last weekend (Easter long weekend – FOUR DAYS!) but I documented it all with my camera, and I was able to take some lovely photos because it was a sunny weekend. So this weekend I’m working on getting those photos ready for some blog posts to come soon, I promise!
Download the 2560×1440 April desktop wallpaper
Download the 1920×1200 April desktop wallpaper
Download the 1440×900 April desktop wallpaper
Download the 1280×800 April desktop wallpaper
Love it! So pretty and April-y